Unlike this little one, who had just about all of the nursery he could stand, and decided the best thing to do until Mom and Dad came to get him for lunch was sleep!
Actual crocheting content! I've been working on this skirt for R, thinking it would be fast and I'd have another skein of yarn used up and out of the stash. It took about a week, it did use up a skein but, as usual I misjudged the time allowance. I finished it at 11:30 last night and had to run it by my daughter's house this morning so R could wear it to church (per my daughter's request..on the wearing to church that is!). It is crocheted out of TLC baby, which is actually sport weight. The pattern, from Annie's Attic Adorable Baby Clothes, said the skirt would take 7oz and they weren't kidding. So the varigated additions, also TLC, on the straps and bottom edge, are out of need rather than design. But sometimes mistakes lead to something you like better anyway. That was the case here. I actually thought the varigated made the skirt cuter. My sewing experience also came into play and I'm not sure it was an improvement. When sewing, pleats are crisp and I learned to sew a tiny edge on the inside of the pleat to hold them in place. I didn't like the way this skirt just poofed out without the pleats so I tried it. The jury is still out on whether it was an improvement. More details in ravelry.
aahh - what a fun birthday celebration!