Friday, May 15, 2009

It was a "Great" day

Our family is so very blessed in the grandparent department. My parents and my husband's mom are still in very good health despite their ages. And what better way to appreciate your blessings than the spend time with them. So...since

We, all of the grandmunchkins, the grands (my husband and I) and the great grands all went to the zoo for the day. Here we are! And we didn't scare anyone off. That may be because it was field trip day at the zoo for a bunch of grade schools and they were more scary than we. The day was perfect! Warm enough to go without coats but cool enough the animals were active. And NO rain!
The great grands throughly enjoyed the grandmunchkins. Seeing the zoo through young eyes. My husband and I were the corral keepers, photographers, lunch hosts, and pack horses when the kiddos were too heavy for the great grands. The great grands let the kids play in the water...
Pointed out things of interest....

kept away the bears....

tried, to get their picture taken with all 8 at once, unsuccessfully....

enjoyed seeing the animals through fresh eyes...

maybe got a look at themselves.....

and felt like this when it was all over! I know I did!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day. Portland zoo? I have been there one time years and years ago. Was a teenager when I went. Used to love Woodland park in Seattle, but just cannot bring myself to do the traffic to get there.
    Thanks for the prayers and encouragement. Greatly appreciated to say the least.
