Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting ready to jump!

Into this week! It is jam packed. All good stuff, but packed nonetheless. You know how it is. You're packing for a trip and you've got way too many projects and yarn but you just might need all you have. That's how this week is lining up. So get ready...
Tonight we have our three year old granddaughter spending the night which means games and giggles.
Tomorrow, Sunday, is the Missions conference at church followed by a ham dinner and we provide the sides. I also have nursery duty.
Monday is Bible study
Tuesday is the first Grief Share class. I am NOT looking forward to this but it's one of those projects I couldn't leave home without.
Wednesday is helping with Cubbies. But with the changed attitude towards Wednesday nights, I was given a special reward last Wednesday....5 little ones singing and signing Jesus Loves Me. Had my attitude been as before I might have missed the blessing.
Thursday is Knitting Guild. It is the end of the year theme project show and tell. Then the revealing of next year's theme. This past year was the year of lace. I am knitting away on a lace sweater for my granddaughter and hope to have pictures soon.
Friday is the trip to the bookstore, out to lunch with the youngest grandchildren.
I'm taking a deep breath....I getting ready to jump....and I hope to come out looking as good as these two: a bit bedraggled but still dry on top with my head above water!

Have a good week. I hope to have pictures of that sweater before Thursday!


  1. Wow!! Did I see a day for you to stop and take a breath? Where are you packing for?
    So glad you are taking the leap and going to G.C. I pray it really helps you both. Have been wondering, and do not know if I missed it or not, was he the father of the triplets?
    Stay strong dear friend, and know He will always hold you, just lean on Him.

  2. I look forward to seeing the sweater. So sorry I was so engulfed in my own life this passed year that your loss was overlooked by me. Much love and prayers. I understand grief:

  3. Our son had 4 little ones but they weren't the triplets. A 14 year old, 8 year old, 7 year old (guess I could clarify they were step children but he and we think of them as ours, especially since the bio dad is out of the picture) and a 3 year old. Our daughter is the mom to the triplets and the dad is our wonderful son in law.

  4. Thanks for the clarification. Have wondered for a while. Hope you are doing good this week.
