Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sewing and solitude

There are times I need solitude. Just me and my thoughts. I don't know if it's because I tend to be introverted or most people need it. But I need it, crave it. When we built this house I finally got a room of my own for sewing and scrapbooking and crafts. A room with big windows. And double doors that shut. And then we adopted our daughter just a year later and for several years it was her bedroom and I moved back out to the dining room. But it's been mine again for about 10 years. Once upon a time all my crafting "stuff" fit in the room. But that's a discussion better left undiscussed. Back to the solitude. Of late I've needed it more. And God gifted me with reasons to be in the sewing room and since it was football playoffs I wasn't missed.
First reason! We're having another granddaughter! She's due to make her appearance in June. Not exactly quilt weather so I'll make a crib size quilt. Little Miss R is showing signs of being a crafter/sewer/knitter/scrapbooker already. She's right there "helping". She already knows how to push the reverse button on the sewing machine and keep her hands out of the way and put pins back into the pin cushion. I have lots of "girl" fabric stash so it was easy to head for the stash and plan the quilt. I wanted a patchwork quilt. I originally thought I'd go for an applique but it didn't seem to be a good "fit" with my son, daughter in law, and thus the baby. Patchwork seems more like them.
The quilt pattern and first set of strips. I didn't have any yellow in the stash and it needs some yellow so I'm going to have to go shopping before I finish it up.

Second reason? My mother in law makes all of her grandchildren quilts for high school graduation. She uses flannel backing and she had car flannel left over from our nephew's quilt. She gifted it to me on a Sunday morning in church. The fabric never even made it to the stash. I thought it made adorable pjs for little boys and there was enough for 3 pair! This is the smallest and is a shower gift for a nephew and his wife who are expecting their first.

Aww shucks Nonny! Are you going to put my picture up in my pjs for the whole world to see? Yup, I sure am Mr. B 'cause you're sooooo cute and you were so excited about your car jammies.

Mr. W. isn't at all ashamed to be seen in his jammies.

While I was attempting to put fabric together for the quilt I had three very eager (too eager) helpers. Since they don't put things in their mouths much anymore I felt it was safe enough for a needle and thread and a button and let them get started.

Mr. B is eyeing the very sharp needle but he plunged in soon enough.
I think solitude is going to be even more of a craving as my daughter in law and I commit to Grief Share for 13 weeks. That means I am gone Monday night to Bible study, Tuesday night to Grief Share, and Wednesday night I help in Awana. And all of these activities, while important, are tiring. Especially Grief Share. It is said grief is work. Hard work. And yet, in each of the two sessions I've been to, I've come home with something I can hold on to, especially in the rough days. First, I am not moving on, I can't. I am moving forward. I am finding a new normal because the old is forever gone though I would like it back with every fibre of my being. Second, I will choose to believe that God is truth and His word is truth, not my feelings. So I'll keep being busy, too busy, for a few more weeks.
For liking solitude, this is a long post! Back with some knitting and sewing soon.

1 comment:

  1. Cute jammies, and where did Mr W get that boo boo on his head?
    So glad to see you are getting some help in making it through your loss.
    I totally understand the solitude thing too. I never seem to have a minute that belongs to me any more.
    Once the babies go home, I am to tired to do anything, and do not seem to be able to get involved in any project when they are here.
