Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It's been cooooolllllddd here in Oregon. Really cold. But with no moisture, it's just cold. No snow. So I made some snowmen out of...what else? Yarn! Three of my grandmunchkins were going north for a Christmas Lights display and it was going to be cold. Here are the "snowmen" they wore while munching warm donuts and looking at quite a display of lights.

The hats are from Itty Bitty Hats. Fun to do. A little fiddly with the pieces to knit and stitch on. Rather like doing a stuffed toy. But they're cute once on. I wouldn't knit them as long as the pattern called for, at least for two or three year olds. The pattern says 4.75 inches for the white part and I think 4.5 inches would be enough. They're out of Knitpicks Swish and this is the first project out of that yarn that I've liked. It was in my stash and it was, after all, hats that last for a season so why buy something expensive? I hand washed them and then threw them in the dryer which worked well. The pictures here are after they've been worn and hand washed and laid out to dry. I think the dryer shrinks them back up well.

And my grandmunchkins gave me the perfect idea for their Christmas present. Inexpensive, hours of imaginative entertainment, and they've shown they will play with it for hours upon hours. What is this perfect gift you ask...A BOX!!!!


  1. Those hats are awesome! You are a too cool knitter.

  2. Those hats are absolutely darling! You always make the cutest hats. :)

    the "kids in the box" photos reminds me that last Christmas Brooklyn loved the boxes better than the gifts. Silly kids ......

  3. Did they come up to the Lights of Christmas? That is in my neighborhood. My grandson sang there one night.
    Love the hats and the grandmunchkins.

  4. Actually, Darian sang there all week. If they saw the Jazzmine performance and the Rudolph one, he was one of the main singers in the Rudolph number. They sang it at a competition last week and won 500.00. He was the brown boy in the middle of the group.
    If you ever make it up, and I am still in the neighborhood, you do not have to worry about a motel, there is room for you and "S" here.

  5. It was the Lights of Christmas! Unfortunately, we never made it into the musical portion. The sounds that drifted out sounded heavenly, but the kids weren't content to sit still and listen - not when there were lights to see, horses to ride, and donuts to munch! It was beautiful to see, however.

  6. Deb, I was going to send you a private e-mail, but can not find your address. I think I had it before I got hacked this summer, but lost all that I had.
    I was thinking of you while I was writing my post last night. One because of your son and also because my niece does not live far from you, I think.
    Elliott, was raised in the Catholic Church. I do not know his personal relationship at all. Two of his sisters, that we are close to ard born again believers, so I hope he knew also. The family has 16 children. He was very well liked here in town as are all of the family. It is a major loss to everyone who knew him. Two of my daughters are having a difficult time dealing with all of it.
    Apparently families cannot designate who receives organs of the deceased. That is what we understand, because the hospital mad the decision and called in the patient before the family could say anything. All the while my niece and her husband were making calls down there to find out what they needed to do on that end. I told my daughters that in this situation, if we truly believe and trust, then we have to walk our talk and know that our Lord has much more in store for Gwen.
    Thanks for your care and concern at this time. It appreciate you reminding us to stay close, even after the commotion dies down.
    Praying for a Blessed Christmas for you and your entire family.
