Thursday, March 4, 2010

Any excuse will do!

Any excuse to get the gang together. Even if it's Dr. Seuss' birthday. We used to celebrate it when the kids were growing up just for fun (and for green eggs and ham) but we let it kind of go for a few years. But now that there are grandmunchkins it was time to breathe life back into the tradition. And somewhere I found a Green Eggs and Ham cookbook that I dusted off for the occasion. Two years old is not too soon to introduce Dr. Seuss. This little guy already knows who the Cat is and knows not to eat green eggs and ham "in a house, with a fox, in a box".

The menu for the night: green eggs and ham, who pudding, blueberry bumplings, pink yink ink, and raspberry stew (which in not from a Dr. Seuss book but for Little Mommy, one of grandmunchkin R's favorite books-she has it memorized!)

The Yink Pink Ink was a huge hit.

Taking pictures was not.

It was just fun to get together for a silly reason and next year we hope to do it again. But the guys are requesting "roast beast".
And I've got my knitting focus back! I restarted the Evenstar shawl with a merino/silk that is working much better. Pictures soon. And there's a shrug near completion and the silk has been cast on for another, different, shawl.

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