Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Birthday sweet girl

In a week filled with heartache, this was a bright spot, a time for smiles, a time to be together and put the sorrow aside for a bit. You see, Miss S lives for her birthday. It's her day. As soon as the new calender is put up, the day is marked. And though it was a bit hard to celebrate this year, she makes it all worth while. Originally we put it off for a few days so our son could make it with his work schedule. But we lost somebody special in our family on her birthday so it was a good plan to have it later. Her cake was made while she slept in by her 3 year old niece and 2 year old neice and nephews....great job! (Nonny helped a bit)

Birthdays are a bit different for Miss S since we don't sing Happy Birthday, we sign it. And even the little ones are learning sign and this year could sign Happy Birthday for her. Not the whole song but at least Happy Birthday.

Just looking at her smile makes me smile. Twenty three years ago, on the other side of the world, this little girl was born but God's plan didn't put her into the family He had picked for her until 10 years later. We were blessed to be chosen to be her family. She has taught us much, loved us unconditionally, and be a source of joy.

And new movies! Her favorite gift to receive...well, Starbucks cards are up there too.

And cake and ice cream! Yum!

While waiting for the family to gather, the kids played games. Like an old fashioned birthday party. Except instead of pin the tail on the donkey, there was Aggravation and....

Disney Memory with Graypa (2-3 year old style, which means the cards are face up!)

I'm so glad we had this time to smile inside of a week filled with tears. On Tuesday, my nephew, a very special 24 year old went home. I was singing to my granddaughter to calm her and the words I was singing seemed so timely: Jesus loves me, He who died, Heaven's gate to open wide. He opened the gates and welcomed Jon home. Jon is free of his earthly body which gave him pain and kept him from movement. The song that God gave to me after my son went home was I Can Only Imagine, which says, in part, "will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe of you be still" and I can't help but think Jon danced, for the first time ever.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to make a comment, but I just don't have words... I'll just count on you knowing my heart.
