Sunday, May 30, 2010

blow the whistle, strike up the band, beat the drum

Drumrolllllll....The Evenstar shawl! Months of work, thousands of stitches, almost 1200 yards of yarn (Gloss from Knit picks, a merino/silk blend) and it is done! Yes, there are a few of my own design elements (as in ooops) but I'm pretty sure I'll be the only one to point them out readily. Love this shawl, love the color, so glad I did it! But now I think I'll tackle some baby things which will seem like a walk in the park after this. I can honestly say, though, I really like knitting lace. Given that, a little itty bitty lace sweater for an up and coming little star sounds like fun to knit.

My husband actually complimented on how nice it was. He asked if I started at the itty bitty part in the center and then went round and round until it was this big. When I replied, "yes" he was even more impressed. I think I'll keep him!


  1. Absolutely stunning! And don't point out where those mistakes are; no one will ever find them! Will you be at WWKIP this year? If you do, please bring this; I'd love to see it in person.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Debbie, it is beyond words. Beautiful!!
