So, since I can't show you pictures of my shawl, even though I'm dying to, I'll show you grandmunchkin pictures! We've had a boat load of grandmunchkin time lately. What else do you do with all the rain but build a boat and fill it? There I go again...sorry.
Back to the grandmunchkins. Our daughter and her husband went on a 10 year anniversary trip to Alaska! By boat! Er, ship. As in cruise. And apparently, it's been beautiful there. They were being thanked for bringing the nice weather. Yeah, that's 'cause all the rain is here! Sigh, there I go again. Back to the point. We've had the grandmunchkins for almost 5 days and nights. So stay tuned for cute grandmunchkin pictures and the fun of having grandmunchkins: In the slight break in the weather, my husband decided to break a few child labor laws. Actually it was self preservation. Kiddos cooped up for days is a recipe for hair pulling, yelling, energy that needs releasing. Makes me think of poor Noah and all those monkeys. I may know how he felt!
So yard work here they come! Well, except for "Pincess Belle". I asked her if she thought she was a princess that could sit while the others work. Her reply, "I Pincess Belle". She doesn't get sarcasm so her reply was not in the smart alec sense. It was simply a childhood fantasy, to be Pincess Belle. And she wanted the first ride in the wheel barrow. However, others worked, hard! Harder than their age level. Hmmm, wish I enjoyed work that much!
Part of the "work" was picking up fir cones from the lawn and around the play structure. Mr. W is informing me of what, exactly, a fir cone looks like.
And then there is the water. Again with the water. What is it about kids and water? Water is a magnet, inexpensive entertainment that gives sometimes hours of enjoyment. We had some buckets catching rain water for fishing. To explain: my husband soaks his bait in rain water because it doesn't have the additives or smell of tap water. Tap water doesn't have that moldy, mossy, green smell. Back to the point-the kiddos found it and the garden stakes. The garden stakes that obviously weren't being used in the garden. (that rain thing again and no garden) A toy was born. Entertainment for a good hour. And a photographer's dream. I took 50 pictures of kids playing in water. But I won't crash your computer posting them all.
Part of the "work" was picking up fir cones from the lawn and around the play structure. Mr. W is informing me of what, exactly, a fir cone looks like.
And then there is the water. Again with the water. What is it about kids and water? Water is a magnet, inexpensive entertainment that gives sometimes hours of enjoyment. We had some buckets catching rain water for fishing. To explain: my husband soaks his bait in rain water because it doesn't have the additives or smell of tap water. Tap water doesn't have that moldy, mossy, green smell. Back to the point-the kiddos found it and the garden stakes. The garden stakes that obviously weren't being used in the garden. (that rain thing again and no garden) A toy was born. Entertainment for a good hour. And a photographer's dream. I took 50 pictures of kids playing in water. But I won't crash your computer posting them all.
And the first rose of the season caught the eye of the "pincess". Both are beauties.
This is how every kid should live each moment. That they are awake. You just have to smile with her!
I went to the first elementary school talent show I can remember. Our 8 year old granddaughter and a friend were performing. I was skeptical at watching kids perform. I was pleasantly surprised. Surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Sure, there were a few performances that left me scratching my head but for the most part, I really enjoyed it. And I was extremely proud of the star in the family! She positively glowed before, during, and especially after, her performance!
This is how every kid should live each moment. That they are awake. You just have to smile with her!
I went to the first elementary school talent show I can remember. Our 8 year old granddaughter and a friend were performing. I was skeptical at watching kids perform. I was pleasantly surprised. Surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Sure, there were a few performances that left me scratching my head but for the most part, I really enjoyed it. And I was extremely proud of the star in the family! She positively glowed before, during, and especially after, her performance!
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