Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Grey and heavy

This is supposed to be a blog about my hobbies and I got nuthin'. Lots of WIPs but nothing finished. I am on the edging on my Evenstar shawl and just to prove my point, I went to move it to a safe location, meaning a child free zone, and imagine my horror to discover the needle had come off the cable and there were about 40+ stitches dangling! I believe in lifelines and never more than in that instant. An hour later the stitches were back on the needle, a new one, and I'd figured out where I left off. There are several baby sweaters in various stages of completion and my first pair of socks is just an inch from being done and on my feet. And what am I doing during to finish up these WIPs? Scrapbooking! But, as I've said before, pictures of pictures aren't really great blog posts.
Well, I can show this picture of my "hobbies". They classify as "hobbies" since they do take up most of the "hobby" time. This was taken after the Duck's spring game. Details about that below. But before I go there, this was taken after a 3 hour drive, a 3 hour game, and it was 3 hours since they'd eaten. They had sat to drive to Eugene, sat in the game, were respectful during the ceremony to honor the troops, and still gave me a picture like this. Can you spell proud? Of them and their parents.

It's cloudy here in the Northwest, no rain, just thick grey clouds. Which perfectly matches my outlook right now. Spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and even hobbies and health feel heavy and grey. I'm marching to the tune of a different drummer and the drummer isn't even close to the stadium he's beating so slow. Speaking of stadiums....

This is Autzen, stadium, in Eugene, Oregon. Home of the UofO Ducks.

Our son's birthday was last week, May 1st. He didn't want to celebrate his birthday. He said after you've celebrated your birthday with someone else your entire life and they're gone, it just isn't the same and I don't want to celebrate. So he compromised and invited the whole family to go to the Oregon Ducks spring game. Price of admission was 3 cans of food and they were going to honor the troops. An Oregon contigent has just returned from a tour in Irag which included our nephew. So we packed a tail gate party and went to a football game, in May. And had a wonderful time. Until. They honored the fallen with the full flag ceremony, TAPS, and the firing of the cannons. Couldn't stop the tears then.Tailgating, our way. Which meant no BBQ, just cheese, meat, crackers, fruit, chips, veggies. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies!Think this guy is excited to be at a Duck's game? Oh yeah...We were glad to be there...can't you tell by the faces? Well then, look at how we're all dressed....team spirit!Now the smiles are coming out. Well, except for our son and son in law who are paying too much attention to the game.Our family had a another tradition on May 1st. Delivering May baskets. It started when I was a girl, we revived it when we had children, and this year our daughter revived it with her children. I "hid" to take these pictures but, apparently not well enough since this little guy got out of the car with his flowers, walked up on the porch and said, "hi guys" to my husband and myself.We did our best to bring some celebration and meaning to the day and I think we suceeded but there was still a hole that couldn't be filled, even with tears.

1 comment:

  1. I tagged you in a game on my blog. Come on over and join in:)
