Tuesday, June 29, 2010

birthdays, baby, and BBQ

Life has been hectic of late and there are no signs it's going to slow down soon. Maybe August? But with 8 birthdays in 8 weeks and the thought I've got to make at least some of the gifts, there is no one to beat over the head but myself. And three need quilts for big beds. They are well under way and should be done in time for the birthday party but I'll save that for another post. Like, when they're done. But, as if I didn't have enough to do with three quilts, I saw on a niece's facebook page pictures of her daughter's birthday party and all the little girls had mermaid beach wraps made by the little girl's grandmother. The old wheels started turning. My daughter is having her kiddos 3rd birthday at a park with a water fountain for kids to play in. Mermaid beach wraps would be sew cute! But what to do about the boys? Some internet research, some creative thinking, and wah la...super hero cover ups! The towels were extras in my closet, the pattern was free since I sort of thought it up, and instant gratification. Win, win, win. And I think they look super adorable on the two almost birthday boys. I made one more for their cousin

As aforementioned, we are in the birthday season for our family. The first, until the new baby was born, turned 9 last week. She wanted the family to go bowling for her birthday. It was a first for some family members but it was a huge hit!

The bowling alley has a ramp for little ones to put their balls on and push them down. Um, some really got into the pushing action. (My daughter said the caption on the following photo should be, "Jedi mind powering it down")

Happy birthday sweet nine year old.

This isn't all the cousins or the guests but a good representation of the group! You wouldn't know by the photo, but they did have a great time.

The evening ended on a rather hurried note. Little W was chasing after his Graypa and fell, hitting his end on the very edge of the wood floor and gashing open his head. His Daddy said, "yep, take him in" so his Mommy and I rushed him to the critical care clinic while Daddy took the others home. Two staples and nary a tear later, we headed for home.
.Our newest granddaughter made her debut this weekend to extended family. She was the proper guest of honor and slept through the entire affair, except when she was hungry. Then she and Mom retreated for some quiet time.
Her cousins met her for the first time and deemed her worthy to join their circle.

They were so fascinated and gentle with her.

I've escaped the sewing room for a few days while waiting to get fabric to finish the quilts and the mermaid pattern. But my hands are not idle!


  1. I love the superhero towels, what a fun idea! And that baby is so precious.

  2. the baby is gorgeous. congrats to all
    lovely to see the children interact with her
