Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What's better than turning 8 and 3?

Being the grandparents of kiddos turning 8 and 3 and getting to go to their respective birthday parties! Actually, just being a grandparent period! As I've mentioned, we're in birthday season around here, 8 grandmunchkins with birthdays in 8 eight weeks. Sounds like the making of a TV show: 8 in 8! Four of the little gems have the same birthday. Ok, so my daughter cheated and had triplets but still, trying to make it work since there is a 5 year age gap. I think the Moms did an amazing job making the birthdays age appropriate and yet fun for a wider age range.
Mr. Now 8! He got to go play laser tag for his birthday with "the guys" (and Mom and sister too). Couldn't hardly get him to eat pizza or blow out his candles. Now that's excitment! This guy knows how to grin too!
Kids + Water = FUN and great photo ops for this Nonny that loves taking pictures! The 3 year old birthday party was at the city park that just so happens to have a water fountain for the kids to play it. It has a great set up with places for the parents to sit, the water isn't too cold, and it has chlorine in it to keep it clean. It was an 85 degree day when we went so the kiddos had a great time in the water. They didn't want to take time out for cake or presents either!

Even 9 year olds had fun in the fountain!

And so did 30 something adults. Lest you think he was having fun for himself....uh no. He was going after little kids with a ball full of water. We called him the fountain terrorist. And the kiddos Loved it! So did he and so did me. I don't get pictures of him very often so it was a great photo op session for me. His little one should have fun with her Daddy when she's a bit older.

Even Bigger kids had fun in the fountain. Most of the adults couldn't resist the pull of the water and the kids.

I handed over my camera at one point and dried off and sat and smelled and cuddled and walked and throughly enjoyed the littlest grandmunchkin. It says a LOT about how much I enjoyed this if I was willing to hand over my camera.

But before I did, there were lots of opportunities for photos. Love seeing Miss S have fun. We (as in her siblings and myself) had to drag her into the water kicking and screaming but once we
did she had fun.

We are 3! (sniff, sniff)

Cake and presents-done-hit the fountain again!

Don't ya just wish ya were 3 or 8 again?


  1. No. I don't want to be 3. But only because I LOVE having my own child in her third year. It is SO fun. What an awesome party. :)

  2. HOw fun! It made me grin & giggle just looking at the photos & Miss S, I LOVE to see her smiles! Wow, those littles were crawling yesterday right? But, what I want to know is who had mroe fun, the kids or you!
